And finally, it’s Evil Genius day! Z and I are both cheerfully working through the tutorial, which is comprehensive and lots of fun. Even having played the original game a million times, having this to guide me in is appreciated.
Less appreciated is my attention flitting off for a second, costing me my Hardcore character in Diablo 3. I’d gotten her through the story. I’d gotten her to level 70. I’d started gaining a few Paragon levels… then zoned out and got obliterated. Sigh? Definitely sigh. I’ve closed the game for now (yes, playing two at a time, holla), but I might roll another Hardcore bb. We’ll see. I might also just take a few days off so that my brain doesn’t explode. At least I unlocked Adventure Mode, so that’s pretty good for a first stab at it.
Right, back to being evil. 😀