Yus, Littler has levelled up again. She’s been having a great birthday. She got presents that she loved from us, from her grandparents, and from E/J/j as well (who popped over to drop pressie off, and got ‘stuck’ hanging around when the kiddos ran off to play). The girls are currently in the kitchen with Z doing Lego kits, as his parents acquired one for each of them. We give the girls a minor gift or two on the other’s birthday, because why not.
I’ve spent today feeling like I’ve been forgetting to do something, which is a bit annoying. I’ve done a bit of knitting, and I made a pair of earrings. I’m really having a blast playing with chain, and I should probably think about acquiring some more findings to play with after I get a few more sales. I’m trying to make the effort to chat myself up a bit more to try and get attention, but even if you lead the horse to water, you can’t make it drink. Etsy keeps telling me to change my prices around so that I can default to free shipping. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t thinking about it. The ‘problem’ is that it makes it harder to have a flat price when international shipping is always going to be more expensive, and I don’t want local buyers to have to eat price shifts that could cause.