Aww Yiss

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Smalls is out for dinner with a friend, so the rest of us ordered in Chinese. She’s not a huge fan of it, so she can have pizza tomorrow while the rest of us have part two (to order enough to get delivery, we have to order two day’s worth). I decided that I wanted prawns specifically for the first time ever… and it was goooooood. I got the black bean sauce same as the beef I’m going to have tomorrow, so it’s not *that* adventurous, but still. *pats tum*

Beyond that, it’s the weekend! Yay! Sort of, ha ha. It’s half-term next week, so I’ll have the childlings clinging off of me. Don’t get me wrong, they’re mainly excellent, but if this cold keeps dragging on, it’s going to be a bit hard. I’m going to do my best to be optimistic though, because that seems the right thing to do.

*wanders off*


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