I’ve been applying myself towards trying to finish the monkey toy for Smaller; she’s been gently reminding me that it needs doing. And as the filling I ordered came in, it’s not like I have the excuse of maybe running out. I… I won’t have that excuse for a long time, ha ha. I ordered a kilo bag, and it was basically like ‘here’s your garbage bag full of stuffing!’. So today was getting the arms done and attached, and now I’m poking along on the legs. I don’t know that I’ll finish it tonight, but that would be nice.
I also spent some money today on crafty stuff, namely stuff for my Etsy shop. As said, Deedlit bought me some pretty beads. I also had £50 from doing YouGov surveys, so I split that between eBay and Beads Unlimited to acquire some findings, and some more strings of beads to play with. That stuff will trickle in over the course of the month (since some of the things were via China), and we’ll see what becomes of it.
Right, back to monkey legs.