And by that, I mean my in-laws graciously had us over for Easter dinner. I ‘borrowed’ my father-in-law’s remotes table and curled up in my claimed chair, knitting and zoning out. I actually got through a pattern row and part of a purl row, so that was pretty impressive. As for gaming, I popped up Townsmen and left that running. As far as I can tell, it’s a really half-assed port from a mobile game, but it’s not without its charms.
I forgot to take my meds last night until I was almost asleep. I made myself get up and take them, and slept fairly well as far as the Fitbit was concerned, so I guess that’s something. I lost an hour or so of sleep from my slip, but at least it means I remembered to shove them in my face the second I got through the door today!
*noms on chocolate* Mmm, sugary death.