That Was Unexpected

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Z commented that the sky was falling, and that it looked like big fat raindrops. So I go to the window, and nope, it’s totally hail. And, it turns out, it was highly localised. I had friends reporting in from other parts of town with clear skies and not a drop of rain, so I don’t even know. *chuckles* I took a video of it if anyone wanted to see that for any reason.

I can happily report that my laptop is back! The GPU wasn’t fried, thank the stars. They’ve cleaned it up and put a new fan in, which runs silently and efficiently. I’ve got Diablo III up and running mainly in the background just to give it something to chew on, and it’s not complaining in the slightest. It’s a huge relief. While my desktop is pretty nice for gaming, my laptop is even better, and having to tiptoe around and treat it like an invalid has been rough.

I should probably pick up my knitting. The most I’ve done of it today was playing with cast-ons to see if I can figure out the best out of a couple of different ones. But maybe what I need is some hardcore gaming instead of hardcore knitting. *shrugs* As long as my brain is soothed and quieted.


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