I’ve got my lighting setup more or less set up… now to figure out what I’m doing photography-wise. I already did the easy one (a bracelet), so now it’s figuring out how I’m going to do the smols. I also, as reminded by Smaller, need to finish the heart smol for her, as she wants to wear it to the school disco tomorrow. Fair enough kid, I’ll *try* to get on that… once I get over this other thing. Brains, innit.
It’s been quite A Week, and it’s not over. Smaller had a new bed delivered today for her new bedroom. I had the kids make a final pass over their stuff, because the declutterer is in tomorrow and I plan on being ruthless on things that are unattended (which is either still being on the floor, or piled up on Smaller’s old bed). I haven’t gone to inspect yet, but I will momentarily when I tuck kiddo in. I know that Smalls was ruthless enough on their own that one of their friends came to collect some clothing as hand-me-downs, which? Awesome kid, well done.
Right, should go kid-tend, find caffeine, then try to think about photography. Holla.