Rar Rar Rar

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I couldn’t tell you why exactly, but today I’ve been doing sock monster on my hands. I guess it’s just me surfing on the random weird waves of my brain, ha ha. Plus, sock monsters are fun, and seeing how far the sock is progressing along my fingers is, as usual, pleasing.

Today has been a good day of doing little of importance. I’ve gotten stuck into a bit of Anno 2205, and it’s definitely a step up in the franchise. Several of the things that annoyed me in past entries in the franchise seem to be improved, though that won’t ever stop me from going back to play other ones.

I’ve also, besides my Sims 3 legacy, made the mistake of turning my 2DS on to poke at Pokemon Sun for a few minutes while visiting my in-laws earlier this afternoon. Which means I’m sitting here grinding up a few levels because yanno, STICK IT IN MAH VEEIIIIIIIINNNS.

*stifles a yawn*

The rain is supposed to finally be coming tomorrow. With today having been a bit warmer, I am feeling the please make it happen a bit more than I did the day before. We’ll see. First I have to get through another night of sleep. I forgot to take my meds last night until late and that threw me off a bit. Well, and I’m currently reading Warbreaker, and Sanderson is a ridiculously compelling and catchy author, so.

Right, I desire to leave this space and cram tortilla chips in my face, so I am going to go do that. Z picked up some new ones that are Tomatilla Salsa flavoured, and they are amazing.


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