According to the BBC weatherperson, the high yesterday reached 35C (95F) in some parts of England. Today’s high by comparison is much more reasonable 20C (68F). We’ve had the windows thrown open all day to catch the breeze, and it’s been overcast too. We had one teenyquick thunderstorm this morning, but otherwise it’s been cool and dry. It’s supposed to stay reasonable for the foreseeable future… but we’ll see. British weather is nothing if not unpredictable.
I’ve just sort of been zoning out today for most of the day. The whole difference in temperature has just… I needed the brain rest. Well. I still got some work-work done, though probably not as much as I ‘should’ have. I’m getting close to being circled around and caught up and I should be working really hard to do that, but. *shrugs* It also didn’t help that the main website I need for work was having problems all day, which meant that my brain would wander extra while waiting to get it to work. Hopefully things will be working better tomorrow.
I should probably start getting my things packed up for knitting. We’re going to try to reclaim the comfy seats tonight. I’m mildly dubious because there isn’t much in the way of reasonable table space, but if it’s what the group wants to try, then I bow to the group. Worst comes to worst, it doesn’t turn out to be a workable spot and we return to the tables… but I have a feeling that everyone is down with trying to make it work. Fingers crossed, eh?