Fifty Gold Stars

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I managed at needed bath today. I’ve declared myself to be bedecked in 50 gold stars in celebration of this achievement. I also managed some amount of work, child retrieval and care, and writing a long overdue check-in for The Scarlet B. It might not be covering oneself in glory for most people, but  yanno, it is for me. 🙂

I’ve also ticked a few more rows of my knitting along, as you can see. I’m loving watching the colours build on each other, and wondering what is coming next. Well. I can see that I’ve got more green, and then it looks like it goes back to blue, but I can’t see past that in the ball. So yanno, exciting adventures and the like.

For now, Z and I are getting our shopping list together for our Eurovision party this weekend. I’m apparently out of my mind, ’cause I want to make a Coca-Cola cake. It’s an *amazing* cake, but it’s a bit involved. I’m feeling a bit run down atop my normal run down (normal for this time of year), so it might not be the brightest idea to plot spoons there, but fuck it. I want it.

I guess that’s about it for now.


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