I’m not exactly sure what was going on, but my attempt to turn my beautiful Chroma wool into a cake crashed and burned badly. I’m not sure if it was down to how the wool itself was constructed, or the fact that my winder is well-loved. I’ve been having an increasing number of accidents like this, so it might be time to splash out on a new one. They’re not exactly expensive, yanno? For now, it’s in a tidy ball, waiting for me to put it to use.
That’s about the only craft-related thing I got done today. Instead, I, le gasp, left the house. Z renewed our Geocaching subscription, and we went to a nearby village that we’d not hit up before and caught a few. This was the first time we’d made it out caching without Littlerbit in her stroller, so you can get the idea it’s been a bit. *chuckles* She was flagging a little bit, but Z very wisely plotted a route that enabled us all to sit a bit and catch our breath. Smallhausen was good to go, but cripple me and tiny Littler were extra-happy for it. We are tentatively going to go out tomorrow and get the other two or three in that village that we didn’t collect, so that’ll be fun if we do. And if we don’t, haaay, we got out once!
For now, I’m going to continue looking at sock patterns, and try to figure out what I want to do.