… a freshly wound ball of variegated wool. I mean, this stuff was gorgeous on the hank, but wounded into a cake it looks even more exciting. I’m currently working a gauge square, and planning on circling back to the start. That is to say, I am thinking I am going to do Just Plain Socks by Talena Winters. Her pattern was the first one I did when I ventured into the world of socks, and I want to see how much better I can do it now that I’ve had some practice doing socks. Plus, it’s a really pretty pattern, and it was the first thing that really caught my eye when I was pawing through Ravelry. *chuckles*
Past that, poor Z is getting hit with the wave of Supercold I had a bit ago. I should probably try to stir myself tomorrow and be vaguely useful, but I’m always wary of making myself even more useless than I would have been otherwise. We’ll see. I think that as long as I can keep Littlerbit out of his hair for the most part, we’ll get by. Fingers crossed, eh?