Tea Party being the name of that colourful skein on my keyboard, hee hee. My next big project is a pair of socks for me — after I finish these tiny ones for Littlerbit. I’m thinking that this might be a sock-heavy year, because I want to use my spending money buying really freaking nice wool, and the price point + amount socks take mean that socks are about the biggest thing that I can expect to make. Maybe some year I’ll win the lottery and be able to hand-craft silk dresses or something, ha ha.

Actual proof of being outdoors
It’s mainly been a normal day, all told. I took care of cats, kiddo, and self. Nothing caught on fire. Some amount of work was completed. AND — and — I actually made it down to the Post Office, ha ha. After making tha tpoint last night to get things mainly organised, it was a lot easier to get up and get it done. Plus, it was nice and not too cold, even with a fierce wind. I was slightly put out because it had the smell and look of snow, but I know snow is not forthcoming. Rain, sure, but none of the pretty stuff.
So yes, quite pleased with myself for managing that. I also got all the laundry I could find processed. Which is to say, it’s washed and dried, and stacked up in the corner of my room. I might try to fish my things out so that some of it is processed, but we’ll see. I’m knackered and not inclined to think about doing anything right now.
I am going to go back to ogling yarn on Knitpicks and zoning out now. Ta ra!