Turn Turn Turn

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I’ve been cheerfully working on my knitting today. It’s been a good distraction (along with video games) to my continually feeling crap. Stupid cold resurging or something, am I right?

Of course, I got ahead of myself on my knitting, as pictured here. I tried to turn the heel without actually doing the heel. At least it wasn’t too much effort lost when pulled back (and I learned that picking up those live stitches with a smaller needle means  you lose a lot less of them). So that is pulled back and ready for me to start working once I’m done here. And, if there’s a bright side, I know exactly how many rows the actual turning will take. #brightside

Tiny human!

We also banished the children for a bit so we could sit down and get through wrapping the Christmas presents. I love my in-laws, and not just because they’re happy to take the kiddos off of our hands for such occasions. We didn’t get to Smallhausen’s birthday presents yet, but as we still have time before we need to get around to that.  For now, it’s nice to have this done and tucked away until we deem it safe to put under the tree. And we agree — having that task done (as well as having *finally* finished our shopping yesterday) means that it’s starting to feel more the season, hee hee.

Anyhoos, back to the knitting, and the gaming! Which, speaking of — I ‘won’ Pokémon Moon last night. Which is to say, I’m now the regional Champion, and can move on to the after-game goodies. So definitely going to keep doing more of that, hee hee.



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