Why yes, my picture here is different from my featured image I’m tricking you, hee hee. But then, I myself was tricked by Z. He’d apparently ordered both of them for me and was being sneaky about it. His logic? He wanted to make sure that I had both of them before the Genesect codes expired. This is one of those benefits of being married to another gamer — they know what’s truly, really important. *giggles*
But I have been a good gamer. I waited until after work hours, and until I’d gotten the snoods finished. I’ve got the label sewn into the first one, and am slowly doing the second one.
We also welcomed the newest member of our household — this lovely couch. So now we have two couches, which is ample space for many butts. My mother-in-law came to christen it properly, and agreed that it was comfortable and easy to get off of. Win. I couldn’t help but shout out a ‘Merry Christmas!’, since this was our present from my in-laws, but also sort of our present to them in making sure they had a good place to sit. tl;dr everyone is happy it’s here.
Anyways, I am going to get back to Pokémon, and trying to make myself sew that second label in so it’s properly done!
Many happy butts!
Very many happy butts! I will have to start Sun as well and get my friend codes out there for people who might not have them.