Poor Poison

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img_20161121_165242450Z had clocked yesterday that Poison (pictured left) had wee’d on a bit of cardboard in the study, and that there was a bit of blood in it. We had a little kit from the vet should this ever happen, so he managed to extract a sample and take it in. The tl;dr is that she’s got cystitis, and a bacterial infection. They were supposed to phone us with the results of her bloodwork this evening, but considering it’s gone half eight, I’m guessing that we’ll hear about it tomorrow. Fingers crossed there’s nothing more sinister than what her urine test showed. And for the next week, we’re going to have that fuuuuuun job known as giving a wiggling cranky cat meds. Thankfully, Z and I are a pretty solid team and get it done with minimal fuss, but it’s still more disturbance than we generally like to visit upon Poison. She’s an old little lady and likes to be left alone (unless she doesn’t, and then you’re probably going to wish that you were deaf ’cause she carries on!).

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img_20161121_200156022The pretty wool above is my purchase for the Stitch ‘n Bitch Christmas exchange. I always go out of my way to try and buy something really awesome to contribute, because I want to give a gift that I would be happy to receive and knit with. The subject of James C. Brett had come up on Wednesday, with the general agreement being that it was a great wool. And it’s a great value wool at that — those two balls fall a few pence shy of the £5 cap we’re supposed to apply to our gift.

As for the other two pictures, clever eyes might have clocked that they are not the same colour. That’s right, the first one is done, and the second one is underway. I’m hoping to have it done by the end of next weekend; I figure that this is a reasonable goal to aim for. We’ll see!

For now, back to my Stardew Valley addiction, and light knitting. I’ve got to say, it’s going to be hilarious on Wednesday when my new Pokémon game comes, ha ha. So much hobby juggling!


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