My desk has hit that sort of overgrown state again that happens when I keep piling stuff on it. Funny how that works. *cough* It’ll be a bit better once I get it crammed into my knitting bag for tomorrow… which I will hopefully tonight. We’ve got a very early start to make tomorrow to drive across to visit Riath and her husband for our joint Thanksgiving-ing, and I want to have as much of my prep done as possible. That includes trying to remember where the nappy bag is. Z thinks it’s in the study, so I’ll go check in there in a bit.
Today was a good day though, all told. E showed up bright and early for a bit of knitting and chatter, which was good. My anxiety is still really stupid right now when it comes to my local friends; her impromptu visit was a good reminder that paranoia and anxiety are lying assholes. I got some work-work done, I had a bath… all the ‘big’ things that I needed to do and that bonus socialisation here in my safe space.
So yeah, I’ve got other writing to pre-do, and that packing, so I’m going to get on that.