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I’d put my hair up in buns earlier because I had a random urge to. Between doing them tighter than I realised and Batman battering them with his full body for five minutes, they ended up in this artistic mess once I tried to take them down. I think that it actually sort of works — not that I could stand to have it as such then. I took it down to put it up a different way, ’cause I redo my hair a zillion times a day in deference to body temperature regulation. xD

Past that, same old same old. Work happened, with a side of Microsoft Teams. Everyone is more or less happy with working from home, and the other side of the work equation is on board with it now as well (which is a change from his previous stance of ‘office office office’). Z was confident he could manage to replace office-based things that our current financial program doesn’t cover, and it looks promising. We’ll see. It’s not like it matters a whit to me, since I work from home anyways.

Right, Smaller has made it clear that I am done trying to use my brain and now need to focus on her Minecraft in microgasps every few minutes. Sigh? Sigh! *chuckles* Love her butt though, I do (and her Minecrafting as well).


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