Whatever Works

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Our determination to install the new curtain rail yesterday met with disappointment. In spite of using the right drill bit, Z couldn’t get through something hard in the wall. So basically, we annoyed some aged plaster and have no idea what the bones behind it are. Z got in contact with our builder, who confirmed that he was 99% sure there was nothing dangerous there (like a gas line), but anyways. We didn’t want to keep it up, especially as the girls had just gone to bed.

So Z’s clever temporary solution? Foiling up the window. It amuses me that I kind of like the aesthetic, ha ha. Of course, I look forward to getting the curtain up, but when it’s already hitting the 90s and supposed to get worse over the next couple of days, I will take *anything* to keep me and the girls from frying.

((So of course, Smalls keeps asking to go outside and play, and hahahaha no))

I can’t think of anything else, so I guess I am going to go back to a bit of recrafting before herding childlings to bed.


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