Wet Hair, Don’t Care

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I have, for the most part, been avoiding the world today. I am so glad that so many of my friends state-side are voting and telling other people to vote, though I have to admit, I kind of stopped voting in US elections a couple of years ago. It’s a lot of extra hoops and hassles that seem to keep changing for ex-pats, and yeah. No. Sorry. I vote in every election here though, and will continue to do so until I fall over dead. I will always think that voting is important, but with my increasingly limited spoons, I have to prioritise what I can expend energy on.

In a way though, the ignoring is good, ’cause it meant I got a bit more work done, ha ha. Add clean hair to that, and it’s the best I could have made of the day. Now, just have to see what the fallout is tomorrow…

Right, time to start herding childlings towards bed.


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