Mail Call!

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I am feeling spoiled today, mail wise. I knew that I was expecting some jeans I had ordered, but I certainly didn’t expect the wool I ordered yesterday to show up! It’s five of the seven balls; the other two are coming from the US warehouse and aren’t here yet. You can’t see in the picture, but there is a skein that is super-rainbow, and Z declared he’d rather like me to knit him a jumper in it. I’m certainly not adverse, but obviously, not with this single skein of it. I think I am going to take them and make a blanket, and one of them is part tipped to make a cat hat. As usual, I really didn’t need more wool, but I waaanted it. *hugs it and looks around shiftly*

In other knitting news, the sewing up of the cardigan goes apace. The sleeves are set, and I’m about halfway down the second sleeve seam. I’m  hoping to finish all the sewing up tonight, and then will worry about the annoying finishing work tomorrow//the day after//not right now.

I’ve also cut into my knitting time today (and probably will again tomorrow) by trying to make some headway on chipping out the guest room. Z helped a bit, but he’s mainly been working on clearing up the disaster area in front of the television. I think that we are both fairly happy with our day’s efforts, though there is so much more to get through. I’m pleased that most of what I’ve shifted from the guest bedroom has bee processed to some place or another. There’s still a trash bag that hasn’t come down, but there’s another bag full of old clothing and shoes in the boot of the car. There’s a stack of boxes that need to be unboxened behind me. I know that Z wanted some of them for helping him sort and process stuff, so I’m happy enough to leave them stacked up out of the way behind me. Really, as long as the lounge is mainly accessible, since we might be having company tomorrow.

I should probably drag myself upstairs and try to get a little bit more work done before the girls have to go to bed. Fingers crossed I don’t do myself too much of a damage.


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