Both of the boys realised that the slope and shape of Z’s torso when he’s sitting on the couch is awesome for snuggles. I’m pleased for Z, but also super jealous — where’s my love? *laughs* But naw, I do love it, and I am permitted by cat in situ to add to the pet quotient. Plus, I make the point to go up and check/pet all three a couple of times a day, so I’m probably too keen for such honours.
Thank the A/C, we have so far survived another day. Z picked up A and Smaller at 1pm today and yesterday, so we’ve had two afternoons of different A-parents hanging out for a bit, which is always nice. We’ve got Friday pencilled in for a full family date, so that’ll be nice.
Anyways. Gonna think about getting more liquids, and stuff.