The first ever picture I saw of Raven and Vivi on the Stray Cat Rescue Facebook page had the two of them similarly in an office chair. So when I came down at noon and saw them thusly, it certainly plucked the heartstrings. 😀
And yes, noon. I had, apparently, turned my alarm off, and Z decided he was going to let me rest. I mean, no complaints — I’ve had chronic fatigue since 1996, so I *always* need rest. And even though I didn’t have an attack yesterday, I had a lot of residual dizziness. I’ve had spots of that today, but not nearly as constantly as yesterday brought. Plus, today is cooler. We have the A/C on a tiny bit still, which is super appreciated, but we don’t need to cranking like yesterday needed, or the weekend/Monday are gonna need. But yeah, resting good. Coming down to find my desk already amply stocked with cool water, good. Spouse in general, so very good.
Right, gonna go back to fun things, water consumption, and spin avoidance. Merry me, I do keep busy. *chuckles*