So like, this happened somehow this afternoon. Partially my fault — I’d been holding Vivi and he ended up there. I managed to call Z through to see it, and then sneak a photo or two. Proof, Poison, that you’re slowly developing tolerance/affection for the boys.
It’s been a busy one. We had the declutterer in, and we were doing Small’s room. They busted ass yesterday getting stuff sorted, which is to say, putting the things they wanted to keep in baskets so that stuff didn’t accidentally get thrown out/given away. I’ve not gone up to see what they’ve done since getting home, but I didn’t expect them to fully sort stuff out immediately anyways. I also took advantage of us being in that frame of mind to sort out ‘my half’ of our bedroom. I need to try to stay on top of getting laundry processing this weekend, to include a few towel rounds… should make clearer what needs doing on Z’s ‘half’.
Right, I’m off.