Caught in the Act

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Poison has, to our delight, started spending some time upstairs again. She’s in her usual place, which is to say, Smaller’s pillow region. That’s always been ‘her’ spot upstairs, so it’s pleasing that she feels like she can go up there again. I don’t think she has in years, so. Plus, it means that she’s able to get up and down the stairs just fine, which is a nice reassurance to her state of play.

Speaking of cats, we’re cat-sitting for the neighbours soon! Which means smoller cats to pet, yes yes. I’ve asked neighbour to make sure to put all her requirements in the cross-house Whatsapp, as I was just over there with Smalls, who was getting a haircut. It’s nice and short now, and they’re happier about it.

Smalls also made me grin this week, in that they asked me to buy them a skirt. Yes kid, get it! Non-binary means sometimes you’re in a skirt, sometimes you’re in something else, but it’s all perfectly acceptable if it’s what they want to wear. They wanted to check out skirts in advance of ordering some for school, since it’s ridiculously hot and they think having less covering will make the uniform more tolerable. Skirt, plus summer terms means they can wear the polo shirt instead of a button up and a blazer, so should be significantly less murdered by overheating.

Z and Smaller are home now from the optometrist, so I’mma go find out what went down.


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