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We finally, *finally* got a bit of rain. It didn’t last that long, but at least it happened. I think my head feels a tiny bit better for it, but it’s hard to tell; it’s been non-stop crap for weeks now.

Which, of course, doesn’t help my sanity as far as work is concerned. I was starting to feel optimistic about getting caught up when I remembered that there’s a new month starting next week. Cue freaking out and having to ask the kiddos to leave the room for a bit so I could get a grip on myself (they went upstairs and had a dance party, ’cause awesome people). I eventually managed to calm my tits enough to remember that the first is on Wednesday, so it’s slightly less dire… slightly. It suffices to say that I could probably break myself in half fretting, ha ha.

((ooh, more thunder — round two, fight!))

But eh, we made it through the week, which means we have completed the first sixth of the summer holiday. I’m sure that the rest of it will generally fly by, especially since there’s the vacation in the middle of it this year. I’m not really sure I’ve processed that vacation is happening… might not until we’re there, ha ha. I just hope I get to visit the wool shop this time, as that’s my one ‘tourist’ destination that I wanted to do last time that didn’t quite work out.

Right, time to take les pills, and get back to listening to weather.


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