Summer in…

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I went outside for a minute to try and capture how my hair looks in natural light… -200/10, would not recommend going outside. It’s supposed to be hotter again tomorrow, which ugh. But it’s also supposed to be thunderstorms finally, which would be an effin’ godsend. I’m pretty sure that we’re in the area that hasn’t gotten rain since May… yes, you read that right. May. Our grass is brown, our souls are dried, and nothing makes it up to me quite like a good bit of thunder and lightning and other such sky wossits.

Today was… slightly more productive. Slightly. I ended up having Littler attached to me a couple of times again today. Don’t get me wrong, I love some cuddles from my increasingly not-so-tiny one, but stuff still needs to happen. They were awesome for the most part, finding joy in things like Duplo. Apparently, ‘tiny mommy’ was locked up in their Duplo jail, ha ha. I’m not sure what she did to earn the dubious honour, but they were cracking up over it!

Tonight is for knitting, one way or another. I’ve got something on my DPNs that I’m making as a pressie for someone, so that’s always fun. It should be a fairly quick knit, and then I might do another cat hat to donate to the tombola prizes for our charity do in September. I’ve got the one done, and I figure two is a sufficient quantity. We’ll see what I *really* think once it comes to figuring out what I am going to be doing for my holiday knitting, ha ha.

I guess that’s enough for now. Z and the girls should be back from visiting his parents in a few minutes, so might as well soak in the remainder of this blessed alone time.


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