‘My cat’s breath smells like cat food.’ – Ralph Wiggum
Today has been a day of knitting in circles. But not like, the productive sort of circles, no. I’m doing varying sizes of gauge squares to figure out what needles I’m going to do these blasted socks on. It’s fine though. My brain is settled back into knitting and not being stressed about knitting and its related people, so it doesn’t really bother me to be doing the prep work for the task.
It also is cheerful distraction from considering further projects. I found out yesterday that one of my dear friends is expecting her first child in April or so, which gives me loads of time to make something for the him-to-be. I need to confer with her best friend, who gets the credit for finally tipping me from knitter-to-be to actual knitter. I think that between us we can make some bad-ass things for this baby. What can I say, I love showing my friends love by making things for their crotchspawn. *grins*
Beyond that, it’s Monday. That means I did my best to ignore the world and just like, do things that are fun. I ended up taking a break from Stardew Valley because it froze, so yanno, might as well get a little Craft the World fix. That naturally comes at the same time as the knitting and the Pokémonning, ’cause have to keep the ADHD brain happy. Smallhausen grumbles because she too wants to be playing all the Pokémon games, and we just smile into our hands. She’ll have it soon enough, but for now I guess I get to tease her by openly and constantly enjoying it. *giggles*
Right, my brain is shutting off, so I am going to wander off and do mindless things until it’s the going to bed sort of time. Laters!